TEAS prep for busy students
We know you got other commitments besides this test. We specially designed TestBeach for those students with a busy schedule.

How it works
Hundreds of practice questions w/ solutions
Interactive practice tests covering all the TEAS topics
Audio lessons & study guides on all topics
Visual summary cheat sheets to help you study for the test
The most advanced analytics dashboard
We tell you your specific strengths and weakness before test day

Interactive TEAS practice tests
Select whatever test mode or TEAS topic you want to study for ultimate prep.

Audio lessons help you squeeze in some studying while on the go
Study for the TEAS while commuting, walking, working, exercising, cleaning, or whatever every-day task is taking time away from learning.

64 fun study guides that you can recreate
Short summary notes, not mountains of text, on the most important parts of every topic. You just need to pass this test, not become an expert in it.

Blind spots be gone: Get analytics to spot your strengths & weaknesses
Use our advanced analytics dashboard to help you identify which sections of the test you are the most ready for and which sections you need to study more on.

Questions like the real exam
We carefully built our questions to match the tone and style of the questions you will see on the real ATI TEAS test.
Join students from all 50 states

Risk-free purchase
Try TestBeach, risk-free, for 6 days. If you don’t think it's right for you, let us know and we’ll give your money back. No questions asked, nothing to lose but a lot to gain.
Frequently asked questions
Multiple reasons:
1. TestBeach is way more affordable. A lot of prep material out there can cost $100+ We keep our prices affordable to accommodate the budget of college students.
2. Practice questions done on TestBeach link to your analytics dashboard, which analyzes your test data so you know which specific test topics you shine in (and where to sharpen).
3. TestBeach is built specifically for busy students. We only show you what you need to know and no more. A lot of prep material out there will show you hours and hours of lecture videos and mountains of text to read. We think that's unproductive. Our goal is to teach you enough to score well on the TEAS, not make you an expert in it.
4. Our questions are peer-reviewed. A lot of questions you see out there, especially the free ones, who knows where they came from. They could be over topics that are no longer asked on the TEAS. We focus on quality learning over quantity learning here at TestBeach.
5. We include audio lessons for studying on the go, which isn't offered by any competitor we know of.
Nope. You don't have to worry about canceling because your purchase will not automatically renew. If later on you decide you want to add more time to your account, you can buy more access time.
Yes, just go to the TestBeach website from any device web browser and you will be able to see your test prep material.
Interactive practice tests with hundreds of practice questions with very nice detailed solutions, 64 visual study guides covering all the TEAS topics, audio lessons, and a test analytics dashboard.