22 Free ATI TEAS Test Study Guides
TEAS Science

Male and female reproductive system

Integumentary system

Endocrine system

Urinary system

Immune system

Skeletal system

Relationship between genetic material and the structure of proteins

Apply concepts underlying Mendel's laws of inheritance

Structure and function of the basic macromolecules in a biological system

Role of microorganisms in disease

Basic atomic structure

Physical properties and changes of matter

Demonstrate how conditions affect chemical reactions

Understand properties of solutions

Apply logic and evidence to a scientific explanation

Predict relationships among events, objects, and processes

Apply the scientific method to interpret a scientific investigation

Use basic scientific measurements and measurement tools

Compare and order rational numbers (including positive and negative numbers)

Solve equations with one variable

Solve real-world problems using one- or multi-step operations with real numbers

Solve real-world problems involving percentages

Apply estimation strategies and rounding rules to real-world problems

Solve real-world problems involving proportions

Solve real-world problems involving ratios and rates of change

Solve real-world situations using expressions, equations, and inequalities

Interpret relevant information from tables, charts, and graphs

Evaluate the information in data sets, tables, charts, and graphs using statistics
TEAS Reading

Demonstrate comprehension of written directions

Locate specific information in a text

Analyze, interpret, and apply information from charts, graphs, and other visuals

Interpret events in a sequence

Evaluate the author's purpose in a given text

Evaluate the author's point of view or perspective in a given text

Compare and contrast the themes expressed in one or more texts

Evaluate an argument

Evaluate and integrate data from multiple sources across various formats, including media
TEAS English

Use grammar to enhance clarity in writing

Evaluate if language meets the needs of an audience for a provided rhetorical context

Develop a well-organized paragraph

Apply basic knowledge of the elements of the writing process to communicate effectively

Determine the meaning of words by analyzing word parts
Unlock all 64 TEAS Study Guides
What topics do I need to study for the TEAS?
You have 3 hours and 29 minutes to complete the 170 questions on the TEAS test. There are a total of 64 different topics asked on the TEAS pertaining to the four major modules: 26% reading questions, 20% math questions, 29% science questions, and 22% english questions. Those major modules are then farther broken down to specific topics
Science: respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, chemical reactions, and more
Math: equations w/ one variable, ratios, proportions, inequalities, geometric figures, and more
Reading: summarize paragraphs, draw conclusions and inferences, interpret figures, and more
English: correct sentence structure, elements of the writing process, grammar rules, and more
How long a day should I study for the TEAS?
Anyone preparing for the TEAS should study for 3 weeks at minimum. This is an important test for your future that should not be half-attempted. If you have a lot of time to study, you might feel ready after just 1.5 or 2 months of preparation. When we say you should study for 3 weeks at minimum, we mean that you should study at least two hours per study session and 3 to 5 days per week.
What's the best way to study for the TEAS?
Step 1: Asses how ready you are for the TEAS right now by taking a full-length practice test. If already know, go to the next step.
Take a full-length diagnostic practice test and see what you would score on the TEAS if you took it today. Note: if you don't know an answer, don't guess. Mark that question as wrong. You're doing no good to yourself if you get lucky on the practice test and label a question as right despite having no idea how to answer that topic.
Step 2: Practice the topics that you got wrong on the full-length practice test or topics you already know you're weak on.
Services like TestBeach let you pick which specific TEAS topics you want to hone down are review even farther. Practice, practice, practice is that best way to prepare for a test. Study one page of notes (like the ones on this study guide page) and then do questions on it. Repeat this process for all 64 topics on the test. And once you are done, start over and doing it again.

5-question quizzes on all TEAS topics
How to study for the TEAS when you have 3 months?
This is plenty of time to study for the TEAS without getting to stressed. Allocate 3 study days per week where you study at least 2 hours each time. You read notes on certain topic e.g. the respiratory system and then do practice questions on that topic. Continue this cycle until you exhaust all 64 topics. Each study day you must tackle two of the 64 topics to stay on track.
How to study for the TEAS when you have 1 month?
Allocate 5 study days per week where you study at least 2 hours each day. You read notes on certain topic e.g. the nervous system and then do questions on the nervous system. Continue this cycle until you exhaust all 64 topics. Each study day you must tackle three of the 64 topics to stay on track.
How to study for the TEAS when you have 3 weeks?
You are now getting into danger zone. You might not have enough time to review all 64 TEAS topics but don't worry because it might be ok. We will leave out topics that are mostly common sense and focus on topics that aren't common sense. Allocate 5 study days per week where you study at least 2 hours each day. You read notes on certain topic e.g. the muscular system and then do questions on that topic. You will need to prioritize the topics you study and leave some out. Your first two weeks, you will study 4 topics each study session starting with the science module and followed by the math module. Your first day of the third week, you will need to study another 4 topics from the science or math modules. At this point, you now have studied all the topics for math and science and you now have 4 study days left to tackle english and reading. These two sections are a little bit easier. During those four days, you will do as many practice questions as possible over the english and reading topics. There is no time to get picky so just practice as far as you can get.
How to study for the TEAS when you have 1 week?
With only one week to study, you are banking on luck being a big factor for you to do well on this test. Allocate 5 days to study. In day one, you will do as many science practice questions as you can. In day two, you will do as many math practice questions as you can. In day three, you will do as many reading practice questions as you can. In day four, you will do as many english practice questions as you can. In day five, you will randomly do as many practice questions on all TEAS topics as you can.
What's the best TEAS prep for busy students?
We recommend you use several different sources for prep. A combination of videos, study guides, and questions is ideal. For practice problems and study guides, we recommend TestBeach as it is also one of the most affordable options. It offer practice questions and short study notes on all the TEAS topics. Some prep sources out there overload you with information but that is not TestBeach's approach. TestBeach only shows you what you need to know and nothing more. TestBeach's goal is to make you pass this test, not to make you an expert in this topic. Time is scarce.
Are there free TEAS prep resources?
Yes! There are a lot. YouTube has videos on every topic asked on the TEAS. We think a powerful combination is for you to look at the list of TEAS topics and then search on YouTube for that topic. Watch a quick video on and then go to TestBeach or some other practice site and do practice questions on that topic.